
December 14, 2015

My Shortcuts

 A mini-shortcut manager for the most frequently visited places in your systems, like :
   My Documents, CMD, Windows Media Player, Control Panel etc.
You can make them launch whnever you want, with the hotkey designated to a partcular place.
Not only this, You can also go directly to you home page, Github page or LinkedIN Page with a single hotkey. Choose whatever Hotkey you want and change them as per your need.

                                                       Github Repository

November 27, 2015

Direct your [Left Arrow Key] to [Shift]+[Right Arrow Key]

Just a few days ago, one of my friend faced a problem. [Left Arrow Key] of his Laptop Key Board stopped working. I helped him to solve this problem by redirecting that key to [Shift]+[Right Arrow Key].

This is the script to do so:
#NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
; #Warn  ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%  ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
Menu, Tray, NoStandard
Menu, Tray, Add, Run at Startup, startup
Send {Left}


MsgBox,This script directs the Shift+Right Arrow Key to LeftArrow key`n{Shift}+{Right Arrow Key}={Left Arrow Key}


For Non-AhkScript users, just ask for the .exe file at my Google+ wall and I will send you the .exe file to run the script.

November 14, 2015

Launch-X(v2.2.0):New Delete Button

Long awaited a very new 'Remove A Button' feature added facilitating the user to remove a Button he/she no longer uses or was added by mistake. Launch-X(v2.2.0)


November 3, 2015

TF Library for Strings

As the name suggest this is an AutoHotkey (AHK) Library with a number of functions to "manipulate"text, both files such as *.txt, *.ahk, *.html, *.css etc AND Strings (or variables). For example you can delete specific lines, replace words or specific lines, number lines, remove or insert columns of text, etc. See the list of functions below for a complete overview.

I faced problems while having work with files to store lists or file name in a text file, I came to know about this library and started using it. Though it is a long set of functions and need to be included as whole as functions randomly call other functions to have a task done. But overall it solves problems and saves our labour.   

October 21, 2015

Selecting a File or Folder

To select a file/folder or to get the full path of a file/folder, You can follow the following the lines in your script :

Send,{ctrl down}c{ctrl up} ;to copy the file/folder path
FileFullPath=%Clipboard%  ;stores the clipboard in FileFullPath
SplitPath,FileFullPath, name, dir, ext, name_no_ext, drive
MsgBox, ,Selected file,The selected file is %name%.

September 28, 2015

Sending commands to cmd in Autohotkey

we can send direct commands to cmd thru autohotkey and can get our work done at cmd level.
To send the command we can use the following code:

run cmd.exe
WinWait, ahk_exe cmd.exe
; to make some time difference in the execution of next line
Send cd Desktop{Enter} ; it will change the current directory to the Desktop.

September 23, 2015

Gitter Chat room for Launch-X

A new chat room for Launch-X is open. You can have an open discussion about the topic and express your thoughts to help to build the project better and together.
                                                      GITTER CHAT ROOM

September 18, 2015


#New Version Release:

What's new?
1. Totally new look and better GUI version.
2. A new shortcut setting window added.
3. New tray menu and icon added.
4. Better stability and some minor bug fixes.
5.No need to relaunch the app to see your new button added. Its added instantly now
To have look follow: Launch-X (v2.1.0)
Adjust Your Shortcut

September 15, 2015

Adding Background color to a Gui Button


Normally Buttons do not follow the general rule to set the color at their background, like,
      [ Gui,Add,Button, glabel x100 y140 cBlue,MyButton]
You can add a background color with the cute little trick, by using the Progress.Script can be found at the link given below:

                                            "Color your Button"


September 10, 2015

LaunchX (version release 1.2.01)

New version(v1.2.01):What's new?
1. Some minor bug fixes.
2. LunchX gets closed when you launch any application.
3. You are prompted a message on each addition a new button.

September 6, 2015

Dll Call in Autohotkey

 We can extend the limits of Ahk by using API's function.DLL functions can do much more which we cant do with Autohotkey commands. But we all get scared, when we encounter the Dll Call syntax in AutohotKey Help file.

A very simple and straight forward, to the point tutorial is given to give you a very basic idea about how DLL Call works. You can have a look on that.

                            My DLLcall() tutorial for beginners(Messagebox)               

September 2, 2015

CapsLock Status Tooltip

CapsLock Alert

An Autohotkey Script to give a Tooltip message on each press of CapsLock button.
Can be useful for the  laptops without the CapsLock Alert Light.
    For Script,Follow the Link: CapsLock Status ToolTip

August 31, 2015


Launch-x-by Kamal Awasthi:A simple App launcher with a customizable +Add_New button. often, we feel to make a direct short cut on desktop, of the files or the folder we use frequently.No need to fill your desktop background with a bunch of short-cuts, rather you can have a group of buttons linked to your favourite folder/file on a single GUI window. LunchX provides you with all this stuffs.
Wanna have a Look?: LAUNCH-X
A screenshot of LaunchX