
February 18, 2016

Exe files for Caps Lock Status Tootip

I have uploaded the exe file for Caps Lock Status Tooltip. Now non-autohotkey user can also download and use the script. Download the .zip and extract the file. The script can be run by double clicking the 'caps' file.

for ahk user: ahk_files/caps.ahk

for non-autohotkey users: exe_files/caps.exe.

February 15, 2016

Hidden Explorer

Hide your files with a simple popup menu and then manage them.
You can open a hidden file(without unhiding it) or unhide a file.
A simple list to mange all the hidden hidden files.
Setup a password to add the security layer to prevent disclosure of important files.


Library used:
used for encrypting the file list and password.


Now, no need to go for a long procedure to hide or unhide a file. :dance: :bravo:  

February 13, 2016

Controlling the Script run and Overwrite

When a script is running already, and we need to see the changes we made after the last run, '#SingleInstance' can save us the time and effort of clicking everytime the ok button that we are asked to.

#SingleInstance force ;skips the dialog box and replaces the old instance automatically
#SingleInstance ignore ;skips the dialog box and leaves the old instance running
#SingleInstance off ;allows multiple instances of the script to run concurrently

February 7, 2016

Removing Side Scroll Bar from Edit

You can make our Edit Gui ScrollBar free, by adding a
just one key word at the end:

Gui, Add, Edit, vMainEdit WantTab W180 R14 -VScroll

This will create an edit gui of width 180px and height 14 characters, without any scroll bar.