
January 27, 2016

Managing Tabs in Autohotkey

Tabs represent different sub-categories of a main category or topic like a table having results of all the students has many sub domains of a major domain, Subject:
          i) Mathematics ii)English iii) Science  iv)Social Science

You can handle each type doing different things, like each subject displays marks of each student, hence you need to read a different file for each tab. You can do many things in each tab without applying a common setting that appears in every tab:

Loop, parse, mainTabNames, |
    Gui, Tab, %A_Index% ;Lets you handle each tab separately  
      Gui, Add, ListView, r15 w450 Grid, Name of File/Folder                   |Shortcut(HotKey)
    Loop, Read,%A_Index%.ini                       ;Load the marks of each subject from                                 {                                                                   ;files names as per the subject i.e.- <Subjectname>.ini


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